tRADITIONAL Martial arts


Rooted in tradition, Fusion Karate teaches the historical practice of karate, and how it can be used in modern combat, self defense, and sport.

Blending aspects from Tang Soo Do, Shotokan, and Okinawan Karate, Fusion karate takes the principles of traditional karate, and brings them into the context of today.

Christian Dexter

Your instructor

Christian started Tang Soo Do Karate at age 3, and earned his 4th degree black belt recognized by the World Tang Soo Do Federation by 18 years old. After successfully becoming two time NAFMA Point Fighting World Champion, he began testing his talents in the full contact ring. Currently, he holds a Muay Thai record of 5-0 with an impressive 3 knockouts.

His teaching style is founded on respect, discipline, and a good attitude. He believes learning karate is more than just learning about how to punch and kick, but also learning how to confidently deal with tough situations and challenges.

Christian started Fusion Karate Academy as a way to spread his love for traditional martial arts, as well as a way to positively impact his community. He is excited about the opportunity give children the ability to defend themselves, and also guide them towards self-discipline, respect, and confidence.


Kihon are the foundations of every technique we do at Fusion. Understanding the principles of balance, proper form, and basic fundamentals is a necessity before learning more complicated techniques.


More commonly referred to as “forms”, katas are predetermined patterns and movements done in a sequence. These katas allow for more advanced practice of Kihon.


Free sparing or point sparing is called Kumite. It is a controlled environment in which two students engage in hand to hand combat under a set of safe rules overlooked by a senior instructor.


Bunkai is the application of all the technique we learn. Whether it is kata or kihon, we learn how to apply these techniques in realistic self defense situations in an actionable way.


Having a good attitude is a must at Fusion Karate Academy. We must treat our training partners and instructors with respect, and always come ready to learn with a positive outlook.


One of the hardest techniques to master in all of life is discipline; doing the right thing whether you want to or not! This means showing up to classes on time, following all of the instructors commands, and having a good attitude on and off the mats.

Located inside Chop and Chops MMA at 862 Dekalb Avenue, Brooklyn, NY.

Ages 7+*

Thursdays: 4:30pm - 5:30pm

Saturdays: 9am - 9:50am


If it is your first time in the school, please arrive 15 minutes early to get started.

*Exceptions will be made at the discretion of the Instructor